108 billion humans
There are 108 pressure points in the human body. 108 cards in an UNO deck. The Chicago Cubs won the World Series after a 108 year drought. There are 108 moves in the Wing Chun style. 108 chimes ring the end of the Japanese year. 108 stitches are on a major league baseball. The average distance from the Sun and Moon to the Earth is 108 times their diameter. The human body fails at 108 degrees. 108 beads makeup a prayer mala and there are 108 human delusions and 108 lies that humans tell. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin spent 108 minutes circumventing the Earth as he became the first human to fly in space.
1 represents singularity. 0 the nothingness. 8 is the infinite.
The current scientific estimate of how many people have ever lived on planet Earth?
108 Billion.