Extra or Ordinary

Living an extraordinary life does not necessarily mean copying the life of someone famous, flying jet airplanes or becoming a billionaire. You can certainly do those things, but that's not what "extraordinary" means. We all get to define "extraordinary" in our own way. Consider the following philosophies to help guide you to an extraordinary life.

First, live by imagination. Our rational mind has an agenda, that agenda tells you what to be afraid of... Our imaginations are fearless and we never let ourselves imagine something we cannot actually do. So trust your vision and be open to opportunities.

Second, live in the moment. Allow yourself to be amazed by what is around you. While most have their heads down in their phone; look up, and experience what is happening right now. Dogs are a great example of living in the present. They have no sense of time. If you reprimand a dog, he'll have forgotten all about it ten minutes later. You can only absorb what you're experiencing at this very moment.

Third, connect with people, as many people as you can, and preferably in person. Recognize their value and vulnerabilities. Be bold, let your guard down. We are so much better when we accept everyone for who they already are rather than what we need them to be.

Finally, hope for surprises. Things are going to happen that you do not expect. Good things and bad things. But it is the unexpected that makes life so incredible. Anticipate that new experiences are coming; some that you planned for and some that you didn't. 


35 great Danes


Striving or Living