Without wall Street


1. Only pay an advisor what you cannot do yourself.

2. You can always do it yourself.

If you are paying someone else to tell you how to build wealth - you are helping them build their wealth from your naivety.

 Q. What happens when a person with money meets a person with experience?

A. The person with the experience gets the money and the person with the money gets an experience.


The Wall Street industrial and information complex is mankind's most developed shell game where money in motion creates generational wealth for the purveyors of the machine. The industry purposefully designed a convoluted system to make it difficult to navigate. But the internet now provides all the information needed to solve the investment paradox.

Whatever your vocation and station in life. Start now. Start Small. Keep it simple.

Only use debt to buy real estate. There are tax benefits to home ownership and it is a good long term investment. Be patient, buy a value property and improve it. Interest rates less than 5% are a fair deal. A 15 year mortgage is more attractive than a 30 year if you can afford the payment. Pay twice a month to reduce the interest paid and pay extra to the principal when possible.

Credit cards are valuable tools to manipulate. Charge all possible monthly expenses on a highly competitive no fee air/miles card. ALWAYS pay off the total balance immediately. You will get the rewards benefits without the interest.

Maximize tax-deferred investment vehicles. Contribute to your employer provided 401k or 403b plan if available and a personal ROTH IRA or IRA account as allowed by tax law.

Create a Revocable Family Trust. Pay (contribute) the trust from your personal income earnings of at least 20%.

Utilize level term life insurance to protect your family. Death Benefit Formula: Total years each child is under the age of 20 x your gross annual income = benefit payout amount in the event of your death.

Create an easily accessible cash fund equal to one year's net income for emergencies and unexpected expenses.


Ondalinda x Careyes